27. Digestive System Issues (Good and Bad)

August 5, 2022

Update. These last few days have been quite instructive in managing the digestive system… more specifically, nausea and reflux symptoms (gastro-esophageal reflux disease, or GERD).

First, ginger tea (salabat) helps a lot with the nausea. But it must be sipped instead of gulped 🙂 Oops. I was trying to hydrate after my light exercise and drank the tea too quickly… causing nausea! 🤢 How ironic! Lesson learned.

By extension, ginger candy helps when you can’t take any more fluid volume. Here’s Doreen with the candy. Another lesson: do not lay down flat or even recline in bed after eating. Reflux symptoms will get you 🤢. This happened to me after snacking and the symptoms lasted long enough to ruin my dinner. Instead, stay upright – either seated or standing. This shows the importance of physical positioning, aside from medication and food in managing nausea.

Doreen is also showing off the now-discarded envelope, previously containing pre-chemotherapy and post-chemotherapy medications given to reduce side effects from chemotherapy. I was very happy to get rid of it last night since I’m done with chemotherapy cycle 4 of 4 (the drugs were docetaxel and cyclophosphamide, for the curious). One of the medications listed, omeprazole, helps with the reflux symptoms and prevention of stomach ulcers.

And finally, some happy news: we got a care package this morning consisting of multiple dishes from mom’s best friend (she is also my ninang, or godmother) who just happens to be an excellent cook. This Pad Thai is just one of them, the rest were put away before I could take more photos. Yummy 😋

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