47. Cording, Human and Otherwise

November 15, 2022

Update. Today’s theme is cording, both medical and otherwise.

Cording, also known as axillary web syndrome (axilla = armpit), is a common side effect after breast cancer surgery. Since breast cancer often spreads from the breast to the axillary lymph nodes, surgeons often have to disrupt and/or remove the lymph nodes and the surrounding connective tissue in the armpit area. Post-surgically, the patient (i.e., me) develops tightness with or without pain in the armpit and arm; this can restrict the shoulder and arm range of motion. From what I understand, there is no one accepted explanation for cording, but theories include inflammation, altered lymph fluid drainage, scarring and adhesions… might be all of the above!

The good news is it is mostly fixable. I think mine is a pretty mild case, because the cords aren’t visible (unlike the reference photo) and I have full range of motion, but I can certainly feel them when I straighten my elbow and lift my arm above my head (like making half a “Y”). I’ve been doing shoulder range of motion exercises, nerve flossing (or nerve gliding; exercises that help make your nerves more flexible and “glide” better as they move alongside the muscles and other body tissues), and self-massage (youtube video in the comments). More serious cases can be addressed by a physical therapist or occupational therapist (espeically those who expertise in lymphedema management), and massage therapy. The cording has been there for months, but I’ve been paying attention to it more these days. I can’t lift stuff yet (after hysterectomy) so I’m focusing my upper body exercise efforts on something that doesn’t involve weights.

The other “cording” issue I have is related to Wii and exercise. Doreen has one of two cords I need for connecting the Wii to the TV. I have a Wii game called Walk It Out that I haven’t played in ages, in which the player (me) walks around an island and has to match footsteps to the beat of accompanying music. Will save my commentary on the game for a later post… because I am waiting for an RCA cord I bought online to arrive. It’s still stuck in China awaiting customs clearance. The game is playable, but somehow the current HDMI connector doesn’t transmit the accompanying music well and the island looks like there is a green filter over everything. I’m still playing it, but hopefully the cord I need arrives before I finish the game!

Edited to add: the cable should be here by tomorrow or the day after. It’s finally in the Philippines at the package sorting center 🙂

Photo from: https://www.dovepress.com/axillary-web-syndrome-following-breast-cancer-surgery-symptoms-complic-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-BCTT

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