20. Mid-Chemotherapy Side Effects and Hair

June 26, 2022 Update. End of week 1, second of four chemotherapy cycles. I have been a hermit this past week, just stayed at home to rest after chemotherapy last Monday (6 days ago). As expected, days 3 and 4 post-chemotherapy were the worst with side effects of nausea, fatigue, muscle pains and occasional tachycardia […]

19. Chemotherapy, Session 2 of 4

June 18, 2022 Update. Chemotherapy session 2 of 4 done today. Earlier in the week: I finally got my Philhealth card (Universal Healthcare) and updated my premium contributions. As I understand it, I can use its benefits starting with chemotherapy session no. 3 in July – by that time I would have paid enough contributions […]

18. Dear Mango Tree, I Know How You Feel

June 18, 2022 Dear Mango Tree, I know how you feel. Love, Me ========== Hair fall has started in earnest – strands everywhere, and the classic “clumps on your pillow” are here. I’m afraid to touch my hair because the remaining strands are hanging on for dear life and it feels like the slightest breeze […]

17. Thank Goodness for Zoom Conventions and Cooperative Hair

June 9, 2022 I survived today’s virtual convention, including the live panel discussion. It was a well-received session overall. Doreen was present for emotional support. I had to remind her that she should not block the camera. Thank goodness it was a recorded presentation from 6 weeks ago (see the difference in hair), not sure […]

16. Pegfilgrastim, and Doreen too

June 3, 2022 Update. Day 5 post-chemotherapy, and day 4 post-pegfilgrastim injection (recall: for increasing the infection-fighting white blood cells which can be depleted during chemotherapy). So far I have not seen crazy side effects of chemotherapy yet, except maybe the need to eat small frequent meals to prevent nausea. Hair is still intact, it’s […]

15. After the First Chemotherapy Session

June 1, 2022 Update for days 1 and 2 after first chemotherapy session. So far I have enough energy to do stuff at a leisurely pace – read a little, cleaned out a drawer (it wasn’t much), listened to a webinar, did some light cardio exercise from The Lazy Dancer Tips youtube channel. I choose […]

14. Chemotherapy, Session 1 of 4

May 30, 2022 Update. Well here we are for the first outpatient chemotherapy session. Checked in at reception, sat a bit in the waiting room with mom before going into one of 11 private infusion rooms. The patient is allowed one (human) companion in the room. Doreen does not count as “companion” . She tried […]

13. Gender as Performance

May 28, 2022 Today’s lesson: gender as performance, a concept popularized by American philosopher Judith Butler. It is the idea that gender is ”something inscribed in daily practices, learned and performed based on cultural norms of femininity and masculinity”. Examples: fake boobs (foobs) to insert into the mastectomy bra, a lovely eyebrow pencil to experiment […]

12. Wigged Out

May 24, 2022 Update. Visited the oncologist today to hammer out a breast cancer treatment plan for the next few months. Chemotherapy starts Monday morning, May 30. Four cycles, three weeks apart, for a total of 12 weeks of treatment. Then radiation after that. After a lovely lunch, I reluctantly went wig shopping with mom. […]

11. Mammaprint

May 20, 2022 Update. Well, the results from Amsterdam’s test arrived Tuesday night and Doreen will be taking on the role of emotional support pig for chemotherapy. The tumor is close to the border of “high risk of recurrence if you don’t undergo chemotherapy” and “low risk of recurrence, therefore whether or not you have […]