Inclusivity and disability in the news this week

I saw several pieces in the electronic media this week that highlight the growing efforts to include persons with disability in everyday life. The European Space Agency put out a call for astronauts with physical disabilities – a push for parastronauts to be included in the entering class of 2021. In its own words, the […]

Training to be a Physiatrist (and Beyond)

I wrote some basic information about Rehabilitation Medicine in the first post for this category. You can read that here to refresh your memory. Specialty training in Rehabilitation Medicine occurs in residency (side note: it’s called “residency” because in the past, graduate medical education required the trainees to live in the hospital – thus they […]

FAQ for SCI: Some Frequently Asked Questions about Spinal Cord Injury

BruceBlaus, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons We briefly tackled what an SCI is on the Resources for SCI page, but here’s a bit more in-depth information. To recap: the spinal cord can be thought of as an extension of your brain – it is made of nerve tissue that runs from the base of […]

Rehabilitation Medicine (JOINT journal entry)

August 22, 1998 Saturday Dear everyone-on-my-generic-on-line-journal-of-internship mailing list, Hello! This installment of the journal is about my 2-week rotation in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, which happens to be my specialty of choice. Duh? For people who do net know about this young field, Rehabilitation (a.k.a. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, PM&R or Physiatry) is called […]

What is Rehabilitation Medicine?

Rehabilitation Medicine is also known as Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R), Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine (PRM) or Physiatry (fizz-ee-AHT-ree, or fee-SIGH-ah-tree; from the Greek physio = of nature or physical, iatrea = act of healing or doctor). As you can see, this medical specialty has some sort of an identity crisis… which does not help […]