33. Radiation Therapy, Session 6 of 20 (30%)

September 6, 2022 Update. We (Doreen , mom and I) arrived at Radiation Oncology early today… no other patients yet in the waiting room. 6 of 20 radiation therapy sessions… 30 percent done! At today’s follow up clinic visit, I got to view my CT scan and how the radiation beams are directed at the […]

32. Radiation Therapy, Session 4 of 20 (20%)

September 2, 2022 Update. Radiation therapy session 4 of 20 is done as of this morning (that’s 20 percent!). Here’s my attendance card, digitally edited to show the projected last day. I get to rest for the weekend and then it’s back to therapy on Monday. So far, Rose, there are no radiation-induced superpowers. At […]

31. Radiation Therapy Begins

August 30, 2022 Update. First radiation therapy session is finished. Nineteen more to go. Radiation can be harsh on your skin and cause a sunburn-like condition called radiation dermatitis. Here is Doreen showing off a tube of lotion especially made for people undergoing radiation therapy (it’s called Miaderm) and some green tea solution. The green […]

29. Radiation Therapy Simulation

August 17, 2022 Update. Went for CT simulation today. This is a session in which the radiation oncologist and medical physicist figure out the anatomy and the correct dose for zapping the tumor site. Doreen and I brought with us a lot of patience – which thankfully did not run out, because the appointment went […]

28. Radiation Oncology – Initial Consult

August 9, 2022 Update. It is 8 days post-chemotherapy; nausea is almost gone and fatigue is slowly resolving. Still need to pace myself with eating and drinking but definitely better. This morning we visited the radiation oncologist for an initial consultation. Radiation therapy happens daily, Monday through Friday. The patient gets weekends off. We discussed […]

26. Chemotherapy, Session 4 of 4

August 1, 2022 Update. On the way to chemotherapy session 4 of 4 this morning. Besides the essential chemotherapy medications and cold packs for hands and feet to prevent neuropathy, here are other things I need today (with Doreen, who is also essential and says, “Let’s do this!”). 1. Reading glasses, to help me see […]

22. Chemotherapy, Session 3 of 4

July 11, 2022 Update. Chemotherapy session 3 of 4 is done! The pre-chemo blood work looked OK overall. Hemoglobin is now back to normal, albeit low normal. But I’ll take it… anemia resolved. Will need to watch the creatinine though, it’s a marker of kidney function. It has been trending up, and I am guessing […]

20. Mid-Chemotherapy Side Effects and Hair

June 26, 2022 Update. End of week 1, second of four chemotherapy cycles. I have been a hermit this past week, just stayed at home to rest after chemotherapy last Monday (6 days ago). As expected, days 3 and 4 post-chemotherapy were the worst with side effects of nausea, fatigue, muscle pains and occasional tachycardia […]

19. Chemotherapy, Session 2 of 4

June 18, 2022 Update. Chemotherapy session 2 of 4 done today. Earlier in the week: I finally got my Philhealth card (Universal Healthcare) and updated my premium contributions. As I understand it, I can use its benefits starting with chemotherapy session no. 3 in July – by that time I would have paid enough contributions […]

16. Pegfilgrastim, and Doreen too

June 3, 2022 Update. Day 5 post-chemotherapy, and day 4 post-pegfilgrastim injection (recall: for increasing the infection-fighting white blood cells which can be depleted during chemotherapy). So far I have not seen crazy side effects of chemotherapy yet, except maybe the need to eat small frequent meals to prevent nausea. Hair is still intact, it’s […]