59. Traveling, one year after breast cancer

July, 2023 marked my first major trip after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment from the Philippines to the United States of America. This is also my first major trip post-pandemic. It is a trip I have made many, many times before the COVID-19 pandemic… but this blog post is not going to dwell on pre-pandemic […]

50. A Lola (Grandmother) Day

December 22, 2022 Update. I had a “lola” day (in English: “grandmother” day): fatigue and more pronounced joint pains. Recall that joint pains are one of the most common side effects of anastrozole, which I have to take for 5 years. No, I did not need to take any pain medicine, but as I powered […]

23. Post-chemotherapy Zoom Day, and a Bald Pig

July 16, 2022 Update. As expected, week 1 of the chemotherapy cycle = not feeling well with fatigue and nausea, both of which were manageable without medications. I took some paracetamol/acetaminophen for muscle pains a few times. Overall, I just had to take things easy and pace myself with food intake and activities. I am […]

16. Pegfilgrastim, and Doreen too

June 3, 2022 Update. Day 5 post-chemotherapy, and day 4 post-pegfilgrastim injection (recall: for increasing the infection-fighting white blood cells which can be depleted during chemotherapy). So far I have not seen crazy side effects of chemotherapy yet, except maybe the need to eat small frequent meals to prevent nausea. Hair is still intact, it’s […]