64. Screening month is finally over (April 2024)

April 29, 2024

Breast cancer update. Doreen and I were busy this month. Medical oncologist visit, chest x-ray, bone scan, whole abdomen ultrasound are all clear (my liver ultrasound says I am fat… yes, I am working on that weight loss!). Next round of screening in about six months.

Doreen carefully reviews the chest X-ray results.
Doreen looks concerned. Nuclear medicine tracer for the bone scan went in nicely, but the technician had a hard difficult time finding a suitable vein.
Doreen: why I am I here with a giant flask of water? Because part 2 of the whole abdomen ultrasound requires evaluation of a full urinary bladder.
She is bored. Waiting between part 1 and part 2 of the whole abdomen ultrasound.
Leaving the hospital happy, on the way to treating myself to lunch.
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