My Digital Footprint

Aside from this website and blog, where can you find me online?
- LinkedIn:
- Instagram: @jmjyangmd
- Twitter: @jmjyang
- Facebook:
- PUBMED: carpal tunnel syndrome study and spina bifida in adults review
- I co-authored an article with medical school classmate Dr. Filomar Tariao, on Delivering Face-to-Face Dance Classes in Singapore during the COVID-19 Pandemic – our contribution to the growing body of literature about the pandemic.
- [broken link – only here for historical purposes] My biography page on The Texas Center for Performing Arts Health – while not based in Texas anymore, I am still involved remotely with didactics for the Performing Arts Medicine fellowship.
- I did a radio interview with drummer and writer T. G. LaFredo on his website for the K-Jazz Radio Network. Also accessible on Youtube (25 minutes).
- The University of the Philippines’ internet television channel TV UP featured me presenting a reaction to my classmate Dave’s talk on slipped discs and back pain (webinar #187) as part of their Health Updates series, and four weeks later I had my own time in the spotlight with a Performing Arts Medicine talk (webinar #191).
- How to Prevent Injury in Online/Virtual Classes – a collaboration with Pilates instructor Regina De Los Reyes and moderated by fitness enthusiast Kenn Colubio. We put this together to “inform all viewers best practices, benefits and risks in doing online or virtual fitness workouts. The video will only share general tips and tricks and medical advice and education and no patient care will be shared. This will aid all gym, Pilates, Yoga and other fitness enthusiasts, clients or participants and so instructors and other movement professionals in the industry.” This is Mindful Talks episode 1, and hopefully we can put together episode 2 sometime. Unfortunately as of March 2024 it looks like episode 2 is not happening, since life has gotten in the way.
- Our University of the Philippines College of Medicine class of 1999 is hosting a webinar series in 2024 to help celebrate our silver jubilee (25 years since graduation). My contribution is a webinar on tech neck and upper limb injuries in the digital age – think cumulative trauma disorders (repetitive stress injuries), how to set up your computer workstation, and be conscious of your posture while using computers, tablets and cell phones. View the webinar on Youtube here.
- Dipping my toes into the medical humanities: a poster on the portrayal of disability in movie heroes and villains. I co-authored this with former resident Charles M. Taylor, II and presented at the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Annual Assembly in 2019.
- The Filipino Channel in Australia somehow found me (and Epi Terbio, fellow student at the Australian National University), so here we are in a news spot released on August 29, 2020. It’s a Filipino news item but we gave our responses in English. I’m at 2:59 and 5:25.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, I participated in a few virtual choirs along with my fellow alumni from the University of the Philippines Medicine Choir (UP Med Choir). Check out Ang Awit ng Kolehiyo, Narito and We Are One.
- I was on the 25th season of US game show Jeopardy! Air date June 10, 2009. A “bucket list” experience.
- My photography page on