35. Keratin
September 11, 2022
Update. Today’s theme: keratin. Keratin is the body’s main protein for hair and nails.
The other day, I noticed my fingernails had stripes – dark stripes that corresponded with chemotherapy cycles. Chemotherapy kills rapidly dividing cancer cells, and causes collateral damage to hair and nails because those cells are rapidly dividing too. So those dark stripes are due to the toxic effects of the chemotherapy drugs.
I wore the wig for the first time today, since a bucket hat doesn’t really match a party dress. Recall that a professional hairdresser styled it last May, putting layers for a softer look. Today mom styled it some more, putting rollers and “spray netting” the hair into place.
I was apprehensive at first but eventually decided the wig looked decent enough to wear without a hat. Had to put on glasses because I needed to see what I was doing on my phone (shopping online for masks).
All in all, the hair held up all night. It was not as uncomfortable as I expected. I am happy that I don’t have to shampoo all that spray net out – I just have to take the wig off! But of course I miss my real hair and am anxiously waiting for the strands to grow back in the next few months. Please hurry up!