18. Dear Mango Tree, I Know How You Feel
June 18, 2022
Dear Mango Tree,
I know how you feel.
Hair fall has started in earnest – strands everywhere, and the classic “clumps on your pillow” are here. I’m afraid to touch my hair because the remaining strands are hanging on for dear life and it feels like the slightest breeze will blow them all away. There is still enough right now for a combover but they probably won’t last long. It would be nice if the hair stays long enough for the trip to chemotherapy on Monday.
Someone thoughtful bought two turbans on Shopee online and they were delivered yesterday (Friday). The packing slip is in Chinese and I have no clue who ordered these. I certainly didn’t. So whoever it is, please let me know!
I will also take this opportunity for a PSA (public service announcement… maybe in this case a personal space announcement): please do not gift or send me any more headgear. I have more than enough right now, especially with Emy sending me her stash [from Australia]! Same with pigs… Doreen, Dave and the piglets Donald and Daisy are a handful (or two) so I don’t need any more.