25. Hot Flashes and Eyebrows

July 20, 2022 Update. I think I’ve started experiencing brief hot flashes in the last week. Here’s Doreen joining me in front of the electric fan. Chemotherapy can induce ovarian suppression and failure, hasten the arrival of menopause, and since I am at about the age that perimenopause can happen… no big surprise. It was […]

23. Post-chemotherapy Zoom Day, and a Bald Pig

July 16, 2022 Update. As expected, week 1 of the chemotherapy cycle = not feeling well with fatigue and nausea, both of which were manageable without medications. I took some paracetamol/acetaminophen for muscle pains a few times. Overall, I just had to take things easy and pace myself with food intake and activities. I am […]

22. Chemotherapy, Session 3 of 4

July 11, 2022 Update. Chemotherapy session 3 of 4 is done! The pre-chemo blood work looked OK overall. Hemoglobin is now back to normal, albeit low normal. But I’ll take it… anemia resolved. Will need to watch the creatinine though, it’s a marker of kidney function. It has been trending up, and I am guessing […]

21. An Aussie Care Package

June 28, 2022 Received a care package today from my Filipino-Australian friends in Canberra, accompanied by all the love, prayers and encouraging words – all the feels from across the ocean. Doreen gives her oink of approval for the Australian National University cap. Muchas, muchas gracias! Visited the medical oncologist today, she wanted to check […]

20. Mid-Chemotherapy Side Effects and Hair

June 26, 2022 Update. End of week 1, second of four chemotherapy cycles. I have been a hermit this past week, just stayed at home to rest after chemotherapy last Monday (6 days ago). As expected, days 3 and 4 post-chemotherapy were the worst with side effects of nausea, fatigue, muscle pains and occasional tachycardia […]

19. Chemotherapy, Session 2 of 4

June 18, 2022 Update. Chemotherapy session 2 of 4 done today. Earlier in the week: I finally got my Philhealth card (Universal Healthcare) and updated my premium contributions. As I understand it, I can use its benefits starting with chemotherapy session no. 3 in July – by that time I would have paid enough contributions […]

18. Dear Mango Tree, I Know How You Feel

June 18, 2022 Dear Mango Tree, I know how you feel. Love, Me ========== Hair fall has started in earnest – strands everywhere, and the classic “clumps on your pillow” are here. I’m afraid to touch my hair because the remaining strands are hanging on for dear life and it feels like the slightest breeze […]

17. Thank Goodness for Zoom Conventions and Cooperative Hair

June 9, 2022 I survived today’s virtual convention, including the live panel discussion. It was a well-received session overall. Doreen was present for emotional support. I had to remind her that she should not block the camera. Thank goodness it was a recorded presentation from 6 weeks ago (see the difference in hair), not sure […]

16. Pegfilgrastim, and Doreen too

June 3, 2022 Update. Day 5 post-chemotherapy, and day 4 post-pegfilgrastim injection (recall: for increasing the infection-fighting white blood cells which can be depleted during chemotherapy). So far I have not seen crazy side effects of chemotherapy yet, except maybe the need to eat small frequent meals to prevent nausea. Hair is still intact, it’s […]