Internal (Eternal) Medicine: Part 1 of 4

November 2, 1998 Monday HELLO TO [my captive audience] ALL [old and new] SUBSCRIBERS OF MY ONLINE E-MAIL JOURNAL OF INTERNSHIP! Think you missed an issue? Wrong. The journal had been out of circulation for about 2 1/2 months due to computer inaccessibility…. In other words, I haven’t been home since August (or was it […]

Unique Issues in Performing Artists: Part 1

In a previous blog post, I wrote about the health issues shared by sport athletes and performing artists. Hat tip to the Athletes and the Arts initiative for promoting these health issues. Despite all the similarities, the worlds in which athletes and artists move in are not the same at all. Their mindsets, training and […]

Who Practices Performing Arts Medicine?

Performing Arts Medicine (PAM) was my gateway to Rehabilitation Medicine (Physiatry). I wanted to know how to best address the musculoskeletal issues of performing artists, and found PAM sometime in medical school. Rehabilitation Medicine (Physiatry) does not have a monopoly on PAM, but as a specialty it fits PAM very well. We physiatrists focus on […]

A Deeper Dive into PAM

We’ll start off with what it is not: PAM is not: it is not the use of music/dance/art as a means of doing therapy. Music therapists have their own expertise, as do dance therapists, art therapists and therapeutic recreation (or recreational therapy) specialists. Performing Arts Medicine (PAM) is the branch of medicine addressing the overall […]

How I Got Here: Choosing a Medical Specialty

The Personal Statement is part of the residency application packet for specialty training in the USA. It complements the curriculum vitae detailing the applicant’s education and previous experience, and the recommendation letters from faculty members or other people that have worked with the applicant. My Personal Statement began with “I was the Orthopedic Disaster of […]

Rehabilitation Medicine (JOINT journal entry)

August 22, 1998 Saturday Dear everyone-on-my-generic-on-line-journal-of-internship mailing list, Hello! This installment of the journal is about my 2-week rotation in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, which happens to be my specialty of choice. Duh? For people who do net know about this young field, Rehabilitation (a.k.a. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, PM&R or Physiatry) is called […]

Obstetrics and Gynecology: Part 2 of 2, The Philippine Centennial Celebration

June 13, 1998 Saturday Belated Happy Centennial* to All! The country is now 100 years and a day old. I’m post-duty right now, which is why I’m free and at home doing my mail. I went on duty yesterday at the Obstetrics Admitting Section (OBAS), June 12, beginning at 7 am. One of my duty-mates, […]

How Does a Physician Get Formal Training in Performing Arts Medicine?

When I first discovered Performing Arts Medicine (PAM) during medical school, I had no idea how to train for a career focusing on the health of musicians, dancers and the like. Eventually I discovered specializing in Rehabilitation Medicine was a good fit, but I still didn’t know where to get formal training in PAM. I […]

Obstetrics and Gynecology: Part 1 of 2

May 29, 1998 Friday Hello all! My 2-week stay in Laurel, Batangas ended Thursday, May 14, so it’s now back to the hospital. Now I know why the community rotation is called a ‘‘vacation” – you eat regularly, you sleep regularly, and holidays are real holidays. This doesn’t happen in the hospital. l’m now into […]

Community Medicine: Easing into Internship

May 11, 1998 Monday Hello everyone! l’ve just started internship (May 1) and my first rotation is Community Medicine (ComMed) for 2 weeks. Actually, ComMed is a 6-week rotation but my schedule calls for 2 weeks now in May, and 4 weeks in April next year. Along with 3 other classmates, I’m assigned to [barangay] […]