50. A Lola (Grandmother) Day

December 22, 2022

Update. I had a “lola” day (in English: “grandmother” day): fatigue and more pronounced joint pains. Recall that joint pains are one of the most common side effects of anastrozole, which I have to take for 5 years. No, I did not need to take any pain medicine, but as I powered through my regular morning exercises my feet and ankles were complaining a bit more than usual. Wii tennis also did not go very well; I could tell something was off. Coffee at breakfast helped a little – but I think today’s fatigue was beyond what coffee could do.

Sleep is important. I woke up at 3:30 AM and could not get back to sleep, so I think this was a major contributor to today’s symptoms. Also, a rogue mosquito made it into my room this morning and had an early breakfast courtesy of my arm and neck. This may or may not have played a part in my sleepless state.

The takeaway for today: my energy levels are pretty much back to normal IF I get enough rest (and presumably food and hydration – certainly have enough of that for now). Anyone would feel tired with lack of sleep and some amount of stress, but in this current post-cancer diagnosis state it appears that I get tired more easily now, compared to before cancer and cancer treatment. Unlike pre-cancer, it doesn’t take much to push me from “OK” to “not OK” at this time.

So: is it the cancer? Is it the long-term use of anastrozole? Will it improve? Only time will tell. In the meantime I’ll have to pay attention to the conditions that promote a happy middle ground: having enough energy to do stuff, without being too tired.

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